Madam Vosges' Finishing School Page 5
Piet positioned himself, took the root of his prick in his hand and found the sex lips. They felt surprisingly warm. Maybe something to do with the thrashing she’d had, he surmised.
Rape, he thought. This is rape!
Then he lunged... fully in... with Tricia squirming frenziedly at the feel of him. That made it feel all the better. He didn’t care how much she squirmed. The more the better!
Piet began to ram and ram, thumping his belly as hard as he could to those tender buttocks. Slowly at first, but gradually increasing the pace. He simply couldn’t help himself. His mind raged with lust; he seemed to be soaring up on a great wave of it. This is rape, he kept saying to himself. Rape! Unimaginably delightful.
Too delightful.
In less than three minutes, Piet had unleashed himself into Tricia’s still-squirming depths.
Three minutes of wild, ecstatic delight!
Chapter Four
For the first time, Virginia felt the burning blaze of the four tailed strap. It was a strap four inches wide, over a quarter of an inch thick, with four six-inch tails each an inch wide. She was getting three strokes from it for what Miss Magda had described as ‘some of the most slovenly handwriting I have ever seen for some time’. Virginia herself had to admit her writing had been very wobbly... and that was on account of the fact that, that very morning, she had been promoted to the upper half of the Senior Class. With a sour kind of smile, Miss Magda had personally handed her the tiny black briefs which she would wear for the rest of the time she was at the School. It meant that she now merited the four-thonged strap and the Number One cane. With five Demerit marks already chalked on the board, Virginia reckoned, with despair, it would not be all that long before she was feeling that too.
As the strap cracked across her flesh, Virginia catapulted up, hands clamping to her buttocks. She swivelled off the step on which she was kneeling and fell squirming to the floor.
“Owww... ooowwww... OOOWWWW!” she cried out.
“Hurts, doesn’t it Virginia?” said Miss Magda callously. She was always glad when the time came for her to inflict the maximum pain on any pupil.
“Y-Yer... esss... ohhh... yes... Miss ...” gasped Virginia. And it certainly seemed twice as bad as the three-thonged strap... though surely it couldn’t be!
“Get yourself back over the Frame, girl,” said Miss Magda. “There are two more to come.”
With a groan, Virginia placed herself over the short red bolster and took hold of the grips as tightly as she could. Her bottom shuddered and twisted with dread.
“Keep it square,” came the command. Virginia did her best under the circumstances.
Another agonising blaze of pain but worse... worse... because it was partially overlaying the first swathe of torment.
Virginia catapulted up again and fell to the floor, twisting and kicking. Experienced as she was, and hardened, it was not possible for her to withstand such awful pain. It was inhuman. Beyond all reason. For nothing. Simply bad writing.
“Get back over,” rasped Miss Magda, “I haven’t got all day.”
Sobbing, Virginia forced herself up and over for the final stroke. There are three more months of this to come, she thought with a kind of wild desperation.
Agony... agony! Threshing and kicking on the floor again. Hands pressing fervently but unavailingly.
“AAAAAAGGGHHHHHH... OOOHHHH... Ooooh... ooooooooohhhhh ...” It was a cry of pain trailing away into despair.
“Pull up your knickers and get back to your desk,” rapped Miss Magda. But Virginia had no knickers to pull up; they had been torn to pieces. She tottered back to her desk, her cheeks wet with tears. As ever, Melanie, alongside her, gave her a brief smile of sympathy.
“H-h... ooorrrrrr... aaaghhh ...” Virginia couldn’t help gasping as her red hot bottom made contact with the hard seat of her desk. At least that seat felt momentarily cool. But only momentarily. Soon the burning glow seemed to have intensified.
I must concentrate... concentrate... CONCENTRATE... Virginia urged herself. For, as she was well aware, there was no reason why Miss Magda should not lay that strap across her bottom again in the same session, if she displeased her.
“History,” announced Miss Magda and Virginia was faintly relieved. It was one of her better subjects. “You will list the Monarchs of England, in order, from the time of William the Conqueror to the present day. As you have done this exercise before, I shall permit no more than two errors.”
Dear God... so few!
A dozen heads bent over exercise books and brows were soon furrowed in intense mental effort.
Virginia was writing rapidly but CAREFULLY:
... Stephen
Henry II
Richard I
Henry II
... soon she was up to the Stuarts.
... then the Hanoverians. She felt quite pleased with herself. What did not occur to Virginia at that moment was how incredibly her mind was being stretched compared to the time in her old Boarding School. Nothing could have illustrated better the importance and power of discipline. Just occasionally, Virginia did think about it but it made her so furious her mind would shy away from it.
... now she was on the last lap. Up to the present day. Easy. She checked and rechecked. All seemed well.
“Time’s up,” announced Miss Magda. “Form Monitor... collect the exercise books and bring them up here. “ Linda, a pretty blonde girl, with two pigtails, aged about twenty two, collected up the books. “While I am marking, you will revise on the War of the Roses.” Desk lids were raised, History books came out, heads bent again. There was never any let up in Miss Magda’s Class. A heavy silence reigned.
“Pay attention!” Heads were raised; hearts beat a little faster. “Three failures. “Virginia ...” Virginia gasped; she simply couldn’t believe it! Her heart shrank as Miss Magda detailed her errors. It seemed she had transposed Henry VI and Edward IV and omitted Edward V altogether. That made three mistakes. At least she would only get one stroke but on her so-tender behind that was quite bad enough.
Two other girls had too many errors... Jennie, who had just come up from the Junior Form and, surprisingly, Georgina, who was Head of School, had most errors of all.
Virginia got stiffly out of her desk and walked to the front. She felt somehow numb and it was difficult to control her legs. There, yet again, right before her, were the red bolster and the step on which to kneel. How many times had she stood just there in awful dread?
Countless, it seemed.
Automatically she knelt on the step, automatically she pulled up her short skirt high, knowing that Miss Magda was approaching with the deadliest strap of all. No need for her to receive the order ‘knickers down’ for she hadn’t got any on. As she waited tense, she felt her nates contract suddenly with dread. Then it came.
Virginia’s head jerked up and back, she squirmed off the step on to her knees on the floor. “Y-YAAAAGHHHHH... AAAGHHH... AAAGHHH!” Naturally the pain was all the worse when the strap fell over already tenderised flesh. Virginia’s hands pressed and pressed as she absorbed the intensification of pain.
“Back to your place.” Virginia forced herself up and stumbled back. Her eyes were misting with tears. It was all so unfair!
“Jennie... out here ...”
Jennie was dark-haired and dark-eyed, rather Welsh looking. She had an excellent figure and very pale complexion. That looked even paler now as she went to the Punishment Frame.
“Up you go.”
Jennie climbed up and raised her skirt. Pink knickers, of course. I wish
I was still wearing those, thought Virginia. On the other hand, this would be the first time Jennie had felt the triple-thonged strap. She would find it a great deal more painful than the double-thonged strap she had become acclimatised to. Miss Magda fastened up the skirt. “Knickers down.” Down they came... at once. Jennie’s shapely posterior was very white. Lily-white, one might say. Strap marks, or cane marks for that matter, would show up on it extra vividly.
At the first stroke, Jennie shrieked and, losing her grip, writhed almost to the floor before clambering back up again. Perhaps surprisingly, she did not clasp at her buttocks so all could clearly see the bright .. very bright... swathe of pain running across both cheeks and the equally bright marks of the three thongs curling round the flank.
As she usually did when a girl was getting a new strap for the first time, Miss Magda enquired: “Hurts, does it Jennie?”
“Mmmfff... y-yes... Miss... yes ...”
“More than the double-thonged, eh?”
“Oh yes... yes... Miss... yes ...”
Jennie got her second stroke but, fortunately for her, it did not fall in the same place as the first. It was an inch below and equally vivid against that lily-white flesh. This time, the girl did clamp at her buttocks as she squirmed momentarily to the floor... but quickly she was back up again, with hands away. This girl is brave, thought Virginia... despite the fact that she looked no more than seventeen or eighteen.
She got her third stroke. It fell partially over the first and second and Jennie cried out piercingly as she squirmed and squirmed on the floor.
“Back to your desk, Jennie. Perhaps that will impress upon you that greater efforts are required in the Senior Form.”
Sobbing now, Jennie took her place in the front row of the class, right before the Punishment Frame. The customary place for a new girl in the Form.
“Georgina... out here.”
The Head Girl went out. She was tall and long-limbed with big breasts and well-formed hindquarters. She had a mass of light brown hair with streaks of blonde in it. She stood before the desk, back straight.
“Permission to speak, Miss?” she said.
“I... I have a terrible headache, Miss. It’s almost impossible to concentrate, Miss.”
“Why didn’t you report sick, Georgina?” Everyone knew that reporting sick in the School was a dangerous thing to do. One could get punished if it was considered one’s ailment was trivial. Otherwise, wouldn’t all too many pupils try and take this escape route? You had to be really ill before you were put in the San. Miss Bernice, Who had some qualifications, acted as the School’s Medical Orderly and Matron.
“It... it came on when I got into Class, Miss.”
Miss Magda’s lips curled. “A likely story. I should have thought, Georgina, you have been here long enough to know that I do not accept such excuses.”
“Ooohhhh... Miss ...” This was unlike Georgina, thought Virginia. She reckoned she was telling the truth.
“Up with you ...”
“Oh p-please... Miss ...”
Georgina knew better than to delay any longer. She climbed with a kind of weariness on to the step. A pair of lovely long, womanly thighs were exposed. Georgina was twenty five... one of those unfortunate errant wives who had been sent to the School. The skirt was fastened and the familiar order given.
Georgina pushed down her little black briefs to expose her hindquarters in their full nudity. Their full beautiful nudity. Yes, she is a lovely woman, thought Virginia. It is a terrible crime she had had to endure all she has done. And is still doing.
No one else knew it, but that day Madame Vosges had received instructions from Georgina’s ex-husband that she was not to be sent to the Nunnery. Instead, she was to be sold privately to an exceedingly wealthy Lebanese trader. She should, thought Madame vosges, fetch a very good price.
“Four strokes for your History errors, Georgina,” said Miss Magda, “and two extra for making up stupid excuses.”
A shudder went through Georgina. Virginia understood all too well how she must feel at the bitter injustice of it all. Down came the four-thonged strap again and then it cracked loudly across Georgina’s bottom. Miss Magda put every ounce of strength she had into the stroke, which she always did when dealing with the Head Girl or her Deputy.
A howling-gasp burst from Georgina and her bottom twisted violently left and right, several times. However, experience and courage enabled her to hang on to the grips. Virginia was filled with admiration.
It was amazing to Virginia, who had just felt that cruel strap, that Georgina still hung on to the grips... though her bottom twisted and juddered violently again as she uttered another howling gasp.
Virginia was even more amazed when Georgina hung on for two more strokes. What courage, what will-power, she thought. Only on the fifth stroke did the Head Girl lose control. This was not surprising for it overlaid an earlier swathe of burning torment. With a piteous cry, she writhed right off the step and down to the floor. There, still gasping, she clamped her hands to her buttocks, just as the others had done. Virginia, hating her, detected a note of smug satisfaction on Miss Magda’s features. Sobbing, Georgina struggled up and went back over the bolster and got her sixth stroke which also sent her squirming down on to the floor.
“Pull up your knickers and get back to your desk,” ordered Miss Magda as she hung up the strap. It had given her a good deal of pleasure to use it on Georgina. She liked a girl with will-power; she enjoyed breaking her.
Georgina pulled up her little black briefs which, amazingly, were still in tact. Then she went wincing back to her desk. Meanwhile, Miss Magda had picked up the chalk by the Demerits Board. “For stupidly trying to avoid getting your punishment,” she said, “I am awarding you a Demerit, Georgina.” The chalk tick went into the girl’s column and Virginia heard a little sob of despair. Georgina already had seven Demerits and now she had eight. It was evident to Virginia that Miss Magda was determined to ensure that Georgina got a final caning from Madame Vosges before she was sent to the Remove.
The rest of the morning session passed without incident, with every pupil’s brain obviously working at maximum output. In the afternoon, two girls got three strokes of the strap each, one of them being Melanie who seemed to find the heaviest strap just as painful as Virginia had done.
“Your bottom still feels very hot,” whispered Virginia.
“So does yours,” said Melanie.
The girls were in bed together, with Lucy on watch, and the time must have been approaching ten p.m. They had already made love and would do so again. It wouldn’t have been fair to keep young Lucy up any longer.
“Isn’t it a brute, that strap?”
“Sheer murder ...” Melanie was caressing Virginia’s breasts.
“It’s those tails which are the worst.” Virginia, who had never thought she would become a lesbian, now thought life at the School would be quite unbearable without the love of Melanie. And hers for her.
“Oh, I don’t know. The whole things quite frightful. That broad part of the strap across your bottom is terrible too.”
“Yes, I suppose so,” agreed Virginia. The two girls were lying facing each other kissing and caressing everywhere. It was a little oasis of Heaven in a desert of Hell.
“Shall we tongue each other?” suggested Melanie after a while. Each had already climaxed by rubbing her pussy to the other’s thigh.
“That would be lovely,” sighed Virginia. They shifted around in the bed so that each head was between the other’s thighs. Tongues began to work gently at first, then more ardently. From experience, both girls knew they would most likely climax three times in this position before being happily slaked.
The first
climax came after some five minutes and it was quite a noisy affair with a lot of gasping and squealing. Lucy, who was seated on a stool a little way down the corridor, did not hear this commotion, for Lucy had unfortunately fallen asleep.
Even more unfortunately, Miss Bernice was about to make one of her twice-weekly inspections of the Dorm at night.
Her suspicions were at once aroused by the sight of Lucy slumped over her stool. An obvious look-out. She armed herself with a single-thonged strap which hung on a wall nearby. Then she crept softly into the Dorm, eyes and ears alert. She checked each cubicle in turn, finding it had a solitary occupant. Until, that is, she came to Virginia’s. From the sounds and the movement under the blankets, there was no doubt at all what was going on. In fact, Virginia and Melanie were just approaching their second climax. A grim smile of satisfaction passed over Miss Bernice’s features, She strode into the cubicle and yanked away the blankets. Two naked young bodies could be seen, pulsating with lust.
There were shrieks of shock, quickly followed by shrieks of pain as Miss Bernice’s strap swung into action. It fell on buttocks, thighs, belly and breasts, whatever was to hand. The two girls, now in a state of terror, were squirming and kicking all over the bed. It was quite hideous to have been at the peak of pleasure then to be plunged down into this pit of pain.
“You ...”
“Filthy ...”
“Little bitches ...”
Each word was followed by the crack of the strap.
“Disgusting ...”
“Perverts ...”
“Disgusting ...”
“Disgusting ...”
“Disgusting ...”
Finally both girls threshed down on to the floor, crying out in the horror of the discovery.
They knew the penalty. It was TOO terrible!